Welcome to the International Rueda de Casino Multi Flash Mob official page!
On Saturday, 28.03.2015, at 16h (your local time) thousands of dancers will be dancing Rueda de Casino Multi Flashmob. Dance will take place somewhere in the middle of all major cities across Asia, Africa, North and South America, Europe, Australia - all over the world. There is still plenty of time to register your group/dance school in this unique global event. Registered can also be just a group of people (min 2 pairs) who already know (or will learn) to dance Rueda de Casino.
The date and the hour of the Flashmob is public, the exact location is not - remember - it's a Flashmob. It's not good to publish the exact location on this webpage before the event, the city is enough. You can notify your participants about the exact location personally, over email or in some non-public groups on Facebook.
Special note for all those who are not able to dance Rueda de Casino yet. Connect with dance schools in your area and ask for workshop or course if available. Maybe you do not know enough to dance well all figures. You have enough time to learn. Just visit lessons in your nearest dance school. This event is not a contest. An example of last year's Flashmob can be seen below. You want to surprise people and that is why the event should not be publicly announced before. It is especially important that Multi FlashMob starts at 16h and ends in 10 minutes...
If you want to organize the event in your city, please click on the Register link in the top right corner of the page and enter your data.